Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sew here we go...

Tracy is super crafty. Like the kind of crafty that enables her to make an entire livable castle out of things like cardboard and Gorilla tape. One her 4 year old son could safely inhabit without issue of harm... honestly! So when the time came to make some Indiana Jones goody satchels for the aforementioned son's 5th birthday who do you think she called on for the use of a sewing machine? Her sister Tammy, but of course!! (That's me... writing this post)

And that's when the fun began!! Upon plugging the 1950's era machine, two exposed wires touched...and POOF.... a spark and stink ensued. Not a good start, but don't worry! Tracy is a mechanical engineer by trade...and super smart with the electrical stuff!!! So in a couple of hours, the machine was good as new and we were ready to get moving. She explained her vision to me for what the satchels would look like, we set the boys off to play (yes, I have one too... mine is 6, more on him later)and the cutting and sewing began in earnest. While we cut and sewed and laughed more than we had in about a year we began to realize that there were TONS of great things we could create for our boys!! Soft cozy PJ's for her son... cool birthday decorations for mine. And then it happened.... the words were uttered. We should get together and sew. It would be 'sew' much fun! GFAW....GIGGLE...LAUGH. In an effort not to feel old, hunched over this antique machine creating hand made goodies, we decided that at then end of each successful (or maybe not so successful) project we'd have a cosmo to drink.

THAT'S SEW COSMOPOLITAN!! Get it?? The birth of the name. GET IT??

Look, we're not professional sewing folks... we've quite stumbled upon this by complete accident. But we figured maybe we could share a few patterns that may be useful, and a lot of laughs.

Since the first project...the one that has begun these shenanigans, is the Indiana Jones Satchel project that will be the first one we will post here. So check on back for the pattern, the fun, and the goofy laughs. ;-)

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