Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stachels away!

You too can delight a gaggle of little kids with these awesome Indiana Jones goody satchels!

I think we made a dozen over all, and they are so easy to make it's silly. Tracy bought brown mid weight material, 44" width, 3 yards in length and 3 rolls of brown trill tape.

Fold the length of material in half so it's 3 yards long and 22" wide. Measure 9" high, mark a line the whole 22" length and cut straight across the line. Then cut down the fold to create 2 pieces of material.

Sew a simple rough hem at each end of the length of material. Only the short ends, and make the hems small.

Next you want to flip the material so that the hemmed seams are facing DOWN. Take one end and fold up 8".

Place the length you chose for the satchel strap just under the top of the 8" fold, and pin on each side. Make sure to keep it straight!

Run a seam up each side, closing the sides up to the point that the strap is being held. Don't worry about the top 'flap'... that's just what it is, the little flap that hangs over the front of the satchel. :)

Don't turn it right side out just yet! No, No... we're going to make a box bottom to this bad boy. You want it to be able to hold all those goodies, right??

So, jamb your forefinger into one corner of the bag, and you want to make it look like an arrowhead, of sorts. Lay it flat, so you can mark off the corner that you will be sewing. We chose an approximate 2" box bottom.

After you sew it, it looks a little like those weird knots on the head of a Glo-Worm.

Make sure to do both of the corner seams at the base of the bag. When you finish, fish out the strap and flip that bad boy right side out. WA-LA... AWESOME Indiana Jones Satchel. ENJOY.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Michelle! Coming from the Queen of Crafty herself we love the compliment. <3
